---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- Sweden: Welfare migrant cuts throat of host family’s 7-year-old daughter January 6, 2016 , by Nicolai Sennels
“A seven year old girl was stabbed to death in an apartment in Upplands-Bro in northern Stockholm on 25 July this year by a 36 year old man, Daniel Gebru. Ten months earlier Gebru arrived as a welfare of migrant from Eritrea to Sweden. …
Gebru has not been able to give any concrete reasons for why he cut the throat of the seven-year girl in the bathroom of her home. He had previously been living in the apartment. What he did there on that day is unclear because according to some data he was not living there anymore. As the Court notes, however, he did live in the apartment when the murder was committed but Gebru had failed to pay rent. Gebru has stated that he had intended to take his own life but for unknown reasons instead stabbed the girl to death.” http://10news.dk/?p=2165 ---------------------------------------- Asylum Seeker convicted of knife murder of seven year old girl
MURDER Another brutal knife murder committed by an Eritrean asylum-seekers were given a few days ago its legal resolution. A seven year old girl was stabbed to death in an apartment in Upplands-Bro in northern Stockholm on 25 July this year of a 36 year old man, Daniel Gebru, ten months earlier arrived as the welfare of migrants to Sweden from Eritrea.
Gebru sentenced to psychiatric care with a special discharge review and be expelled indefinitely after already served and care. However, it is unclear if the expulsion will be enforceable, this is because the Migration Board believes that human rights are infringed in a way in Eritrea that allows no one can be deported there. Gebru is therefore likely to remain in Sweden after already served and care. There is also no minimum retention Gebru must be nurtured. If he is deemed to have frisknat to, he can be released after a very short time. As with the brutal knife murder of IKEA in Västerås in August this year, including those committed by an Eritrean asylum seeker, has the offender as partial explanation for the crime stated mental disorder related to alleged harsh conditions in their home country and that migrants who should have led to his suffering by hallucinations and paranoia. Gebru has not been able to give any other more concrete reasons for why he cut the throat of the seven-year girl in the bathroom of her home. He had previously been inherent in the apartment. What he did there on that particular day is unclear because according to some data did not live there anymore. The Court notes, however, he must have lived in the apartment where the murder was committed but have failed to pay the rent. Gebru has stated that he had intended to take his own life but for unknown reasons instead stabbed the girl to death. He incurred but also themselves afterwards a cutting injury. The retrospective self-inflicted injury could of course have been a way to hide the real motive for the crime against the girl, but the court chose to go on the defense line in this part, that the murder was committed in a state of mental confusion and no real motive to the girl or order to conceal another crime against the girl. Gebru sentenced accordingly - and because he exposed the girl of "unnecessary suffering" in connection with the murder - not formally of murder, but of manslaughter and not to prison but to care. However, you can not court so far as to completely absolve Gebru from liability for the actions, as claimed by the defense lawyers. The girl's parents are happy with the man convicted but dissatisfied with the crime of murder was not. Gebru must also pay compensation to the parents of 182 860 SEK and a further 61 705 paid to the estate. The case provides a further alarm signal of irresponsibility with which asylum applications are dealt with in Sweden, how mentally unstable people are allowed to reside freely in society and what consequences this may have. Missing ID checks, sloppy research background of asylum seekers in their home country and naive faith in the asylum seekers' own oral evidence allows no one knows what kind of people are released into our country. It can be anything from people with actual refugee status through the economic welfare of migrants to serious criminals and terrorists. Nor does this case - as one of the responsible politicians and other opinion leaders should be able to expect - led the public debate on security in society severely eroded due to serious deficiencies in the asylum reception. Few have the courage enough to step outside the politically correct view corridor and ask where the limits to how many in Sweden, we are ready to have murdered, abused, raped, mugged, robbed, deceived and subjected to other serious crimes without the conduct of mass immigration policy is questioned . Attunda District Court, B 6126-15 http://archive.is/6PvR3 http://avpixlat.info/2015/12/28/asylsokare-domd-for-knivmord-pa-sjuarig-flicka/ ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
The compensation custom does my head in, when it's associated with murder or rape crimes.
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