---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3423968/Mobs-hundreds-masked-men-rampage-Stockholm-central-station-beating-refugee-children.html 'Hundreds-strong' mob of masked men rampage through Stockholm station beating up refugee children in revenge attack for female asylum centre worker killed by Somali 'boy' By Sara Malm and Gianluca Mezzofiore For Mailonline Published: 20:33 EST, 30 January 2016 | Updated: 01:06 EST, 31 January 2016
A mob of black-clad masked men went on a rampage in and around Stockholm's main train station last night beating up refugees and anyone who did not look like they were ethnically Swedish.
Before the attack, the group of 200 people handed out The mob, wearing all-black balaclavas and armbands, 'gathered with the purpose of attacking refugee children' Stockholm police spokesman Towe Hagg said. [Comment: these 'children' may well be MEN ANYWHERE UP TO 40 YEARS OLD -- Look it up. The authorities do not establish identity and do not bother with age of these 'children' UNLESS THEY LOOK OVER 40 YEARS OLD.] 'Police are now looking into the leaflets that were handed out by masked people before the attack'. Authorities confirmed that at least 40-50 people went on a rampage at 9pm on Friday night attacking migrants. Witnesses told Aftonbladet newspaper that they saw a gang of black-clad thugs attacking refugees at the station. 'I saw maybe three people who were beaten. That was no football brawl or something similar. They targeted migrants. I was quite scared and ran away,' a witness said. The leaflet handed out before the attack refers to the alleged murder of Alexandra Mehzer, a 22-year-old aid worker knifed to death at the child centre where she worked in Molndal, Sweden. A Somali-born 15-year-old migrant has been accused of killing her during a fight between two asylum-seekers. 'All over the country, reports are pouring in that the police can no longer cope with preventing and investigating the crimes which strike the Swedish people,' reads the leaflet. [comment: the police themselves have publicly CONFIRMED THIS.] 'In some cases, for example, in the latest murder of a woman employed at a home for so called ‘unaccompanied minor refugees’ in Molndal, it goes as far as the National Police Commissioner choosing to show more sympathy for the perpetrator than the victim,' it continues. 'But we refuse to accept the repeated assaults and harrassment against Swedish women.' 'We refuse to accept the destruction of our once to safe society. When our political leadership and police show more sympathy for murderers than for their victims, there are no longer any excuses to let it happen without protest.' 'When Swedish streets are no longer safe to walk on for normal Swedes, it is our DUTY to fix the problem,' the leaflet reads. 'This is why, today, 200 Swedish men gathered to take a stand against the north African ‘street children’ who are running rampage in and around the capital’s central station.' [comment: identities not established with many of these and the foreign street criminals could be any age to 40 years old -- see above. Whatever age they are, they need to be firmly put in place, and the police have confirmed they are incapable of maintain order.] 'Police have clearly showed that they lack the means to stop their progress and we se no other way than to hand down the punishment they deserve ourselves.' 'The justice system has walked out and the contract of society is therefore broken – it is now every Swedish man’s duty to defend out public spaced against the imported criminality.' 'Those who gathered today are neither your politician, your journalist or your policeman. We are your father, your brother, your husband, your colleague, your friend and your neighbour. 'Swedish men and women deserve safety in their everyday life and we are therefore calling on all others who also see the problem to follow in our footsteps, both in Stockholm and in other places around the country. For a better future together' On Saturday, a 47-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of assault for punching a police officer in the face. Three youngsters have also been arrested on Friday night for disturbing public order. Last week, Swedish police warned that Stockholm's main train station has become unsafe after being ‘taken over’ by dozens of Moroccan street children. The all-male migrant teen gangs are spreading terror in the centre of the Swedish capital, stealing, groping girls and assaulting security guards, according to Stockholm police. Members of the gangs, some as young as nine, roam central Stockholm day and night, refusing help provided by the Swedish authorities. Sweden has seen a dramatic increase in the number of Moroccan under-18s who apply for asylum without a parent or guardian in the past four years, with many later running away from the housing provided to live on the streets in the capital. Stockholm police estimate that at least 200 Moroccan street children move in the area around the main train station in the centre of the capital, sleeping rough, and living off criminal activity. The issue of the Moroccan teen gangs first made headlines last year, and the situation has since escalated with Stockholm police demanding authorities to take action. Desperate officers have started arresting the teens for public drunkenness in order to get them off the streets for a few hours, with the policeman adding that they are 'on our knees'. The gangs are made up of orphans who have grown up on the streets of Casablanca and Tanger in Morocco, where authorities estimate there are around 80,000 homeless 'street children'. They have all applied for asylum Sweden as unaccompanied minors after travelling through Spain and Germany, a journey which may have taken them years. But their troubled backgrounds have made them distrusting and wary of adults, and more than one in five have run away from migrant housing and foster families after applying to stay in Sweden. ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
Let f*cking Morocco deal with their own.
What are they even doing in Sweden, terrorising the locals? Let them terrorise their own.
The Swedish government has failed its citizens, as has the Swedish lying and rape-covering police.
Nobody should be terrorised and raped by foreigners in their own country. No sympathy whatsoever. About time.
Citizens should be encouraged to sort out thugs whatever their age, seeing the Swedish coppers are incapable. Somebody has to draw the line somewhere.
At least there's still some sane Swedes left.
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Sunday, 31 January 2016
Stockholm - Sweden Public Finally Gets Off Its Knees
Left-Wing Extremism - Antifa Shills Attack British Patriots - Dover
---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- 'Neo-Nazi gangs daub swastikas in BLOOD' as protest descends into violent clashes with police and anti-fascists By Katie Louise Davies For Mailonline Published: 03:28 +11:00, 31 January 2016 | Updated: 03:44 +11:00, 31 January 2016
Fascist and anti-fascist protesters clashed in Dover in an angry demonstration over immigration which saw bricks and smoke bombs being thrown and a swastika daubed onto a coach in 'blood'.
Violence erupted in the town as far-right protesters gathered at the same time as anti-fascists groups. [comment: the 'anti-fascists' are the fascists no doubt throwing bricks and attacking demonstrators that hold dissenting views, who have every right to demonstrate in a democracy] Police with dogs struggled to keep activists apart, as the peaceful rally quickly descended into chaos with reports of scuffles in the streets. Some of those taking part sustained injuries in the demonstration, as pictures emerged of blood-soaked clothing. Groups protesting included Dover Stand Up to Racism (DSUR) and the Kent Anti Racism Network (KARN). And marching on the far right were The National Front and the South East Alliance. The protest started at 1pm in Dover's Market Square, before far right groups made anti-immigration speeches, while police surrounded around 150 The demonstration came after reported clashes between two groups on the way to the march at service stations on the M20. Police say they arrested one person at Maidstone services after a number of coaches transporting people to the town were damaged. Anti-fascist groups claim fascists daubed a swastika on the side of one of the coaches in blood. [comment: oh, sure ... it sounds exactly what the unprincipled and demented leftist lot would do. Bet they're all undercover British police operatives on the 'antifa' left, as the establishment is DESPERATE to keep down the rising right in Europe.] Kent Police say the man was arrested on suspicion of possessing an offensive weapon. A police spokeswoman told MailOnline: 'Kent Police was called at 10.51am to a report of a disturbance at the Junction 8 services on the M20. 'A number of coaches have been damaged in the incident and officers are currently at the scene carrying out enquiries. 'Another coach that left the scene has been stopped by officers at the Junction 11 services and enquiries are also ongoing there. 'One man has been arrested on suspicion of possessing an offensive weapon.' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3424299/Neo-Nazi-gangs-daub-swastikas-BLOOD-protest-descends-violent-clashes-police-anti-fascists.html
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What are these 'leftists' -- who don't actually represent the working classes -- counter-protesting, exactly?
Do these leftist shills really think that the British establishment's political puppets in parliament will listen to some working class guys opposed to the destruction of their towns?
Or is this just for show, to intimidate the rest of working class Britain to keep quiet?
The working classes should rise up against this undemocratic political suppression by pseudo left-wing attention-seeking twits.
While these cretins disrupt democratic anti-immigration protests & while Daily Mail sensationalises and smears anti-immigration protesters with headlines straight from the mouths of the 'anti-fa' leftist fascist shills, take a look at this: Three Somali men who gang-raped white 16-year-old girl in bathroom of hotel where they had stayed to celebrate Eid are jailed for 30 years The British press and those leftist nutjobs doing the work of their corrupt governments, are responsible for the rape of women right across Europe. ---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ![]() |
1972 - Uganda Expels Indians
---------------------------------------- MigInfo ![]() ---------------------------------------- 1972 - Uganda Expels Indians Intakes
*20,000 unaccounted Some expelled = Nizari Ismaili Muslims Canada (friend of Aga Khan) takes thousands Uganda state obtained control of largest enterprises of dispossessed Indians expelled Many were in tailoring & banking businesses employed by British / Indians were a 1% minority that received one-fifth of the national income / lived gated communities Idi Amin sought to Africanise economy. / also pissed that British denied him arms to invade Tanzania August 1972 - Indians given 90 days to leave. Indians were brought to Uganda by British Empire from British India to do clerical work or unskilled & semi-skilled labour (eg construction or farm work) 1890s - Britain brought 32,000 labourers to work Uganda Railway / most returned home - 6,724 remained Therefore in about 80 years 6,724 persons became: 44,200 - known numbers accepted 20,000 - unaccounted for persons u/k - unknown numbers accepted ---------- 64,200 Total in 80 years How is that even possible? The numbers should be general warning re immigrant intakes, as small numbers do not remain small https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsion_of_Asians_from_Uganda ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
The population shuffling that takes place has more to do with political elite interests and empire building (historic and present) and motives, than it does with humanitarianism or domestic population considerations.
While rescue events such as this are beneficial to those that are accepted, it is not beneficial in the long-term to those that wish to maintain the integrity, character and primacy of indigenous European societies or European societies elsewhere.
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