---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- Five migrants among seven young men who 'laughed, danced and sang in Arabic as they gang raped unconscious girl of 17' By JACOB MIGNANO | 10:28, 5 Feb 2016
HORRIFIC footage has emerged of a group of young men, including five migrants, laughing, dancing and singing in Arabic as they gang rape an unconscious 17-year-old girl.
----------------------------------------It is believed the attack happened after the girl passed out after drinking at a party. One of the rapists later told police: "She can't complain. Women must obey men." The shocking assault happened in November but was only discovered this week by a teacher at a school in Ostend, Belgium. A police probe was launched after a 14-year-old boy at the Ostend Technical Institute bragged about a photo of himself dressed in military fatigues and holding a sub-machine gun. Cops later discovered the shocking video on his phone — believed to have been filmed by the boy — of the suspects raping the victim before dancing around her, the country's Het Laatste Nieuws site reported. Police yesterday revealed that seven males aged between 14 and 25 were involved in the attack, including five Iraqis. Two had just arrived in the country and were in the process of seeking asylum when the gang rape took place. Two of the attackers were Belgian nationals. The video shows them pull down the victim's trousers, sexually assault her and rape her. It was revealed she later took a taxi home and did not tell police. When she eventually spoke to cops this week she could not remember what happened. It was reported that during police interrogations only the eldest suspect denied rape, while the others admitted having sex with the girl and even suggested gang rape was normal in other parts of the world. One claimed the girl had consented, but footage showed she was unconscious. Four men have been put in jail over the attack while the three minors are in a youth detention centre, according to reports in the country. Local mayor Johan Vande Lanotte said yesterday: "It's obvious some newcomers have a cultural problem about relations between men and women. "We must stay alert and explain our basic values to them and what they cannot do." Meanwhile Theo Francken, Belgium's minister for asylum and immigration, said: "Rapists won't be given asylum. They will be sent back to Iraq if they are found guilty." http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/6910086/Five-migrants-among-7-young-men-who-laughed-danced-and-sang-in-Arabic-as-they-gang-raped-unconscious-girl-of-17.html Johan Vande Lanotte Socialist Party and Mayor of Ostend also: State Minister & Associate Prof. Constitutional Law & Human Rights University of Ghent The Emperor of Ostend (2012) Lanotte conflict of interest allegations re: Electrawinds following release of book, journalists put on non-active duties by their employer, VRT Lanotte denied conflict of interest eventual legal action / result unknown 2014 publication, 'Cross' "Electrawinds SE, formerly European CleanTech I Se, is a Luxembourg-based special-purpose acquisition company set up to invest in the clean energy sector with principal business activities in the EEA (European Economic Area)." https://www.google.com/finance?cid=14268183 VRT = The Flemish Radio and Television Organization Femish government broadcaster financed by taxpayers' money and broadcaster own revenues dates back to 1938 English Particulars Lanotte http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Johan_Vande_Lanotte Dutch Particulars Lanotte https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan_Vande_Lanotte ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
Check out the insanity Europeans can expect from Champagne socialist human rights lawyer politicians:
"We must stay alert and explain our basic values to them." How about protecting your indigenous European homelands from invasion? That would be a good start. Oh, and it would solve all other problems, including lectures on: 'don't rape our women' and 'here's how you use a toilet.' What these politicians are facilitating is a crime against the people they are elected to represent and a crime against civilised Europe. *I'd wager that the 'Belgium nationals' they're referring to are also migrants. *No, unfortunately, I'm not kidding about the toilet. Great minds are at work right now, redesigning this complicated Western device in the hope of preventing people crapping on floors, crapping in showers & crapping in public spaces. ---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ![]() |
Friday, 5 February 2016
Belgium - Migrant Gang Rape of Unconscious Girl - A 'Cultural Problem' Lessons Will Fix
Controlled Media,
Gang Rape,
Human Rights,
Johan Vande Lanotte,
Rape Lessons,
Theo Francken,
Victim Minor,
Victim Unconscious,
Cologne Karneval - Journalist Groped On Live TV | 6 Sexual Assaults | Large Police Presence | Low Turnout Event
---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ----------------------------------------
http://www.thelocal.de/20160205/journalist-groped-in-cologne-on-live-television Journalist groped in front of live camera in Cologne Published: 05 Feb 2016 09:55 GMT+01:00
A Belgian journalist was groped by two men on live television while reporting from Cologne Karneval.
Cologne opens Karneval on edge after sex attacks (05 Feb 16) Women plan protests against 'pro-rape' pickup artists (03 Feb 16) 10 words you need to know before Cologne Karneval (03 Feb 16) “At first they were just making faces behind me. Then a hand landed on my breast. I was was shocked,” said RTBF journalist Esmeralda Labye, describing the incident the incident that took place in the Alter Markt district of town. The chances of the two men being caught are high - the whole incident was caught on camera and police are now investigating, Cologne newspaper Express reports. The city of Cologne has apologized to Labye. First day passes peacefully Police reported that Thursday, the first day of Karneval, passed remarkably smoothly, saying that here had been notably less crimes reported than in previous years. On the other hand police note that terrible weather contributed to a poor turnout for Weiberfastnacht. Police were out in force to ensure security after police were criticized for their lack of presence during mass sexual assaults in the city over New Year. A total of 2,000 officers were patrolling the streets, double the number in 2014. Six acts of sexual assault were reported to police, which involved women being groped or verbally attacked. Police made 21 arrests. http://www.thelocal.de/20160205/journalist-groped-in-cologne-on-live-television ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
And all we can do is watch in horror.
Weiberfastnacht is 'Fat Tuesday,' an unofficial holiday in Rhineland.
Traditional Catholic feast associated with carnival - here.
Began 1824. Ritual take-over of town halls by women. Men's ties cut. Kiss as compensation.
Strange custom. But I'm all for the donuts. ;)
Alter Markt translates to 'Old Marketplace'.
SEE 'UPDATE' above. ---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ![]() |
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