Saturday, 30 January 2016
'The last days of a white world' - Anthony Bronwne - 2000
---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- SOURCE - 3 Sept 2000 The last days of a white world We are near a global watershed - a time when white people will not be in the majority in the developed world, Britain included. Anthony Browne reports Anthony Browne Sunday 3 September 2000 17.02 BST
It was news and no news; the most significant milestone in one of the most profound changes to affect the US in the past century, and yet a non-event. Last week the US Census Bureau issued figures showing that non-hispanic whites made up 49.8 per cent of the population of California.
Anglo-Saxon whites are already a minority in Hawaii and the District of Columbia. Now they are an ethnic minority in the country's most populous state, the one most usually identified with the American dream. EDIT - Insertion Data
'It's my hope we can all see our state's diversity as a cause for celebration and not consternation,' said California's lieutenant governor, Cruz Bustamente, a Latino. Robert Newby, a white shop-owner who has lived in Los Angeles for 40 years, echoed his optimism: 'This confirms what most of us have thought for years. I am happy for there to be more immigrants - by and large they work harder and have more money to spend.' As recently as 1970, eight out of 10 Californians were white. Fuelled by immigration at its highest rate since the start of the last century, and higher fertility rates, the Asian and Latino populations of California have risen by almost a third since 1990. At the same time, with limited immigration and low birth rates, the population of non-hispanic whites has fallen by 3 per cent. By 2040, hispanics are expected to be the overall majority in the state. Where California goes, the rest of America is predicted to follow. At present 72 per cent of the US population is non-hispanic whites; the US Census Bureau predicts they will become a minority between 2055 and 2060. Not every one likes the new face of America. White far-right extremists predict the break-up of the union. Thomas W. Chittum, a New Jersey-based Vietnam War veteran, declared in his book Civil War Two, that the US, like Yugoslavia, will shatter into new, ethnically-based nations. 'America was born in blood, America suckled on blood, America gorged on blood and grew into a giant, and America will drown in blood,' Chittum warned. The separatists have set up groups such as Americans for Self-Determination. One of the founders, Jeff Anderson, said: 'We are suggesting the US be partitioned into states for blacks, whites, hispanics, and so on, along with multi-racial states for those who wish to continue with this experiment. Now is the time to begin such a multi-racial dialogue about separatism, before a storm of violent racial conflict erupts.' The shifting sands of the US reflect wider - and highly controversial - changes elsewhere in the world. It is an area in which few demographers dare to tread for fear of being accused of racism. 'You cannot quote me - a word out of place and I get crapped on from a very great height,' said one academic. 'Whatever you say you are deemed racist'. The past millennium was more than anything the era of the whites. Just 500 years ago, few had ventured outside their European homeland. Then, with several acts of genocide clearing the way, they settled in North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand and, to a lesser extent, southern Africa. But now, around the world, whites are falling as a proportion of population. The United Nations collects and produces a vast array of statistics on population, but produces none relating to race or ethnic origin. Indeed few countries collect their own figures on ethnicity - in Europe, only the UK and the Netherlands do. However, the UN's State of the World Population 1999 predicted that 98 per cent of the growth in the world's population by 2025 will occur in lesser developed regions, principally Africa and Asia. The most significant reason for this is lower birth rates in rich countries: in 61 countries, mainly the rich ones, people are no longer having enough babies to replace themselves. In its World Population Profile 1998, the US Census Bureau predicted that by the second decade of this century all the net gain in world population will be in developing countries. 'The future of human population growth has been determined, and is being determined, in the world's poorer nations,' it said. The global centre of gravity is changing. In 1900 Europe had a quarter of the world's population, and three times that of Africa; by 2050 Europe is predicted to have just 7 per cent of the world population, and a third that of Africa. The ageing and declining populations of predominantly white nations have prompted forecasts of - and calls for - more immigration from the young and growing populations of developing nations to make up the shortfall. Last year net immigration to Britain reached 185,000, an all-time record. The Immigration Minister, Barbara Roche, recently announced plans to attract migrants to fill specific skills shortages, such as in the computer industry. Last month Edmund Stoiber, the premier of Bavaria in southern Germany, called on Germans to have more babies as an alternative to more immigrants. 'We are having too few children - to a worrying degree, the significance of which is scarcely recognised,' he said. His calls echoed those of a fellow Christian Democrat who earlier this year stood on a platform of 'Children not Indians'. In Britain the number of ethnic minority citizens has risen from a few tens of thousands in the 1950s, to more than 3 million - or around 6 per cent of the total population. While the number of whites is virtually static, higher fertility and net immigration means the number from ethnic minorities is growing by 2 to 3 per cent a year.
One demographer, who didn't want to be named for fear of being called racist, said: 'It's a matter of pure arithmetic that, if nothing else happens, non-Europeans will become a majority and whites a minority in the UK. That would probably be the first time an indigenous population has voluntarily become a minority in its historic homeland.' Lee Jasper, race relations adviser to the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, predicted a similar future, telling The Observer : 'Where America goes, Europe follows 30 years later. There is a potential for whites to become a minority in some European countries.' In Britain, that is almost certain to happen in London, and in the relatively near future. 'At the moment ethnic minorities are about 40 per cent in London. The demographics show that white people in London will become a minority by 2010,' said Jasper. 'We could have a majority black Britain by the turn of the century.' British National Party chairman Nick Griffin said: 'I don't think there's any doubt that within this century, white people will be a minority in every country in the world.' For Griffin, however, it is a major cause of alarm: 'Every people under the sun have a right to their place under the sun, and the right to survive. If people predicted that Indians would be a minority in India in 2100, everyone would be calling it genocide.' But present trends have little chance of redressing the injustices of history. Native Americans used to have the lands to themselves but are now less than 1 per cent of the US population, with little chance of becoming a majority again. The biggest growth is among Latinos (largely derived from Spain), and Asians, particularly from China and the Phillippines.
Nor does it seem likely that whites will become marginalised in terms of influences, even if their numbers decline. David Owen, of the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations at Warwick University, said: 'Population has never been the main determinant of influence - it's wealth and income. White people still have their hands on most of the levers of military and economic power.' [comment: indigenous populations are basically finished, while the devoid of conscience & of regard for heritage elites are immune from the consequences of the genocide they have set in motion, as they're buffered by the privileges of their wealth.]
Even so, Griffin warns that, as in Germany and the US, the rise of ethnic minorities will lead to a backlash. 'It's going to put race to the top of the political agenda,' he said. [comment: how dare they complain about their own demise!]
Back in California, in a land built by immigrants, Bustamente put a positive spin on the end of the white majority: 'If there are no majorities, then there's no minorities.' In Europe, with its 40,000-year-old indigenous white population, the rise of a non-white majority may not be greeted with such equanimity. [comment: this history, along with the Europeans, is being wiped out.]
SOURCE ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
The strike-out above's mine, in case you didn't guess.
I can't look at much of this without getting extremely angry.
The situation in the US is of interest in terms of what happens when you throw different groups together, but the European-colonised America, with its introduced disparate populations, is an entirely different history and set of circumstances to that of indigenous Europe.
European politicians did not need to bring this upon an indigenous European people with a 40,000 year history on the continent, and this was not an inevitable outcome for Europeans.
So what happened, and why did European governments pursue destructive policy, rather than pursue policies beneficial to the future and continuance of their indigenous nations?
And why have the rulers of industrialised nations ignored many decades of critical demographics in their nations, in favour of many decades of importing threats to native populations, and why have they simultaneously diverted taxpayer funds to facilitate a population explosion in Africa and beyond?
It is as if the elites of the industrialised West decided:
as it doesn't matter to these elites who occupies European lands or that European people will not survive.
All that matters to these elites is that they continue to rule and profit, from a position of privilege.
What is heritage that belongs to native Europeans, and what is thus non-transferable to any outsider by anyone, has been ripped from under native Europeans by these elites.
---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ![]() |
Britain - Strange Case of Comrade Bala
---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- Irish 'slave' revealed as daughter of Bletchley Park code breaking hero
Irish woman allegedly held captive for 30 years in Maoist sect is revealed as daughter of Bletchley Park codebreaker, John Herivel
By Martin Evans, and Claire Duffin and Ben Riley-Smith
10:30PM GMT 26 Nov 2013
An Irish woman allegedly held as a slave by a Maoist sect in south London is the daughter of one of the Bletchley Park code breakers who helped ensure the Allied victory in the Second World War, the Telegraph can reveal.
Josephine Herivel, 59, is the daughter of mathematician, John Herivel, who was a key figure in the team who cracked the German Enigma ciphers in 1940.
Brought up with her two sisters, Mary and Susan in Belfast, Northern Ireland, she joined Aruvindan Balakrishnan’s extremist collective in the 1970s after moving to London to study, turning her back on her family.
A friend of the family said they had tried to make contact with Miss Herivel for years, but without success.
She was educated at the prestigious Belfast Methodist College, and was a talented musician before moving to London, where she became involved in the far left.
One of the core figures in Mr Balakrishnan’s tight-knit circle of loyalists, Miss Herivel was prosecuted in 1978 after police raided the group’s south London bookshop and headquarters.
Appearing in court alongside five fellow cult members, she displayed the extent to which she had fallen under the spell of its charismatic leader, by refusing to recognise the court and denouncing the judge as a “Fascist lackey”.
Miss Herivel was also with the sect when one of its members, Sian Davies, 44, died in mysterious circumstances in 1997.
Miss Davies died in hospital, seven months after falling from a bathroom window at a house in south London where Mr Balakrishnan, his wife Chanda and supporters were living.
At the subsequent inquest the coroner criticised the other women living there after learning that they had failed to inform Miss Davies’ family of the accident, telling them instead she was on holiday in India.
When journalists later approached Miss Herivel at the house to inquire what had happened she accused them of being parts of the “Fascist state” and remaining fiercely loyal to her leader, refused to discuss Miss Davies’ death or the arrangements inside the sect.
Mr Herivel, was recruited to Bletchley Park from Cambridge University in 1940, and after being trained by Alan Turing worked in the now legendary Hut 6.
He was responsible for coming up with an ingenious method to crack codes which became known as the Herivel Tip or herivelismus.
Assuming that the German code operators of his own age might take shortcuts through official procedures to make their lives easier, Mr Herivel came up with a system that allowed the codebreakers to crack the crucial Red cipher.
After the war he worked as a teacher, but eventually returned to his native Northern Ireland, with wife Elizabeth, who also worked at Bletchley Park.
It was in Belfast where his three daughters were brought up and where he took up a post at the city’s Queen’s University.
All three daughters excelled at school and Susan went on to become a respected artist, while Mary works in the property industry.
But Josephine’s obsession with left wing politics meant she rejected her upbringing in favour of joining Mr Balakrishnan’s cult like organisation, The Workers’ Institute of Marxism Leninism Mao Zedong Thought.
It is thought Miss Herivel lived with the group for more than 30-years before last month contacting the Freedom Charity and reporting that she and two other women were being held against their will.
All three were eventually freed from the flat in Brixton south London where she had been living for the past five years and taken into the care of the police and specially trained charity workers.
Initially at the women’s request the police did not take any action against the couple alleged to have held them against their will.
But last week Mr Balakrishnan and his wife Chanda were arrested on suspicion of slavery related offences. They have been bailed to a date in January.
Maoist cult leader Aravindan Balakrishnan jailed for 23 years
A Maoist cult leader who raped two of his followers and kept his daughter a "slave" for 30 years has been jailed for 23 years.
Aravindan Balakrishnan, 75, known as Comrade Bala, brainwashed his cult into thinking he had God-like powers and could read their minds, and subjected them to decades of abuse.
SOURCE ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
Article caught my attention while I was checking out the Google index on like news articles.
Aravindan Balakrishnan (aka Comrade Bala) origins not identified in the couple of newspaper articles I looked at, but from a quick check it would appear the surname is of Tamil Indian background.
Tamils: trace ancestry to - Tamil Nadu (one of 29 states of India) - Capital Chennai (aka Madras) Described as: among largest & oldest ethno-linguistic cultural groups 77 million - mostly Sri Lanka (24.87%) - some India, Mauritius, Singapore (abt. 5% range each) - 47.31% - therefore, 52.69% (most Tamils) live further afield abroad - that would be over 40-million Tamils elsewhere. source - here #I fail to understand how these people can be described as 'stateless' when their state is clearly India.This would mean that a staggering 77.56% of 77 million Tamils do not live in their own region (ie in India). A search of the abovenamed's full name and India brings up Telegraph article (extracts): "born in Kerala in west India but moved to Malaya" at 10, studied at University of Singapore, migrated to UK by ship in 1963 at the age of 23 on a British Council scholarship to study at the London School of Economics"
Not sure what to think of this bizarre story, except that perhaps the authorities might wish to re-open the TWO suspicious deaths ... or maybe not, seeing he's in for a long stretch and unlikely to be at liberty again, as he's 75.
It is very difficult to understand how people can be so utterly brainwashed.
This story is also proof of what I've recently come to suspect: the lefties are indeed crazies.
Early immigrants appear to have perhaps arrived on British Council programs.
Found some of what I read humorous - eg. denouncing the judge as a Fascist lackey & accusing journalists of being parts of the Fascist state. It's funny because it's the truth.
---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ![]() |
Austria - 72 Year Old Raped By Afghan - 20-Month Slap on the Wrist
---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- Austria not to deport Afghan asylum seeker who raped 72yo woman Published time: 29 Jan, 2016 11:27
An 18-year-old asylum seeker in Austria who raped a 72-year-old pensioner will not be deported to Afghanistan. Instead he will serve a 20-month sentence in prison and continue to live in Austria.
The Afghan asylum seeker, who was identified as Wahab M., faced the Regional Court on Wednesday for raping an old lady, Austrian press reported. The court found him guilty and sentenced to 20 months in jail and issued a €5,000 fine. The maximum penalty would have been up to five years, according to Austria’s Kurier newspaper, but the judges considered several mitigating factors such as his being underage (the attacker was 17 at the time of the incident), his confession and the absence of a criminal record. After serving his sentence, the refugee will remain in Austria as he received a short term in jail (less than three years). In the meantime, the newspaper revealed new details of the case. The 72-year-old woman was identified as Christina F., from the town of Traiskirchen, in eastern Austria. Traiskirchen currently has one of the biggest refugee centers in Austria. Christina’s daughter Sylvia was reportedly working with asylum seekers. The incident took place on September 1, 2015, local media reported, but police didn’t reveal it at the time because of the sensitivity of the case. "It was a really hot day and I decided to take my dog for a walk along the Schwechat River [in Traiskirchen], and saw two young men swimming there,” the old lady recalled, as cited by Kurier newspaper. READ MORE: Police in German town advised not to prosecute migrant offenders over petty crimes – media One of the young men reached out his hand to her and asked her to help him onto the bank, she said, adding that she helped him without any suspicion. "Suddenly, I felt a blow from behind,” Christina said, adding that she was grabbed and pushed to the ground. The man put his hand over her mouth and tore off her clothing. READ MORE: Swedish prosecutors won’t probe reported cover-up of sex assaults by refugees The old woman, who weighed only 48 kilograms, was unable to resist the attacker. Also her dog was 13 years old and “was sadly not up to protecting his mistress from the attack," a friend of the old woman, Hans Vesely, 72, later said. After the attack, she managed to get home. Later she was found by her friend whom she told what happened after he saw the bruises on her body. "She is not the same woman anymore. She doesn't trust being left on her own and does not leave home, and she's become very weak since the incident," Vesely said. Initially the authorities were not able to find the perpetrator. He was caught after committing a petty crime which required his DNA sample. The sample matched the one found on the old lady and authorities arrested the refugee. First he denied the accusations, saying that he was drunk and didn’t have a clue what exactly happened. His friend also said he saw nothing. Eventually Wahab M. admitted the rape, following the disclosure of DNA evidence. Austrian authorities deported at least 3,278 asylum seekers in 2015, Interior Minister estimates say. In most cases, they were deported because their applications were rejected and only a few of them because of criminal convictions. Sexual harassment of women by male refugees and migrants has been a hot topic recently. The first city to report about such cases on New Year’s Eve was Cologne, Germany where “heavily intoxicated” men of “Arab or North African” origin were harassing and assaulting local women en masse in the city center. Similar incidents have been reported in other German cities such as Berlin, Frankfurt and Stuttgart. Police were accused of covering up migrant attacks. ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
Reading this makes me sick.
The attack on this old woman is disgusting.
Elderly people are about as vulnerable as children, in the sense that they're weak and they can't defend themselves.
Old people are additionally vulnerable, in that their bones break easily AND an attack like this can have enormous and long-lasting physical consequences, as well as enormous psychological consequences.
Nobody's mother or grandmother should go through this.
I feel like crying reading this. It is beyond belief that the sentence for rape in Austria is a mere 5 years and that one can violently attack and rape an elderly woman and get a mere 20 months.
It is also beyond belief that this danger to society is not deported from Europe, where he does not belong in the first place.
How can Europeans continue to allow this?
It's preposterous that governments (eg the British and the US / most likely EU-NATO effort) spent Western taxpayer money on 'stop rape in war' styled political PR schemes, (targeting third world countries that politicians are intent on stealing resources from ... countries where I'm betting rape is prevalent not only in war, going by the assaults on European women), while European politicians FACILITATE RAPE of European women.
Meanwhile, POLICE SUPPRESS RAPE-BY-MIGRANT INFORMATION and violent assaults of Eurpean women, to protect: 1. the foreign invaders;so that European authorities may preserve ongoing genocidal immigration policies. All the while, the media, the liberal left intelligentsia, and the rent-a-protest (or stage a candlelit vigil) mob, demand the destruction of Europe and rape of European women, as feminists and sundry do-gooders remain silent. ---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ![]() |
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