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Västerbotten County
32,775 inhabitants - 2010
SWEDEN Deported but had to stop and rape anyway Published October 29, 2015 at 15:17
Free Times has previously written about the case of the African were arrested and charged with rape cafe in Skellefteå. It has afterwards proved to be the man who claimed to be from Mali, which had previously been convicted of assault, should have been expelled from Sweden after having been rejected their asylum application. Rape victim is a Swedish woman born in Västerbotten County who suffers from Down syndrome. The current Sunday in September gave the woman out on the town in order to "clear the mind". In the center, she met in the African, who invited her for a cup of coffee at Espresso House. According to an investigative memorandum in rape case shows that African applied for asylum in Sweden for exactly three years ago. Eleven months later announced the rejection and 2014 and won the decision becomes final. A request to take part in the investigation was added to Skellefteå District Court after the prosecution had been brought. A judge at the district court therefore took on the task of confidentiality examine the police investigation. The intention was to remove or mask sensitive parts of the material covered by confidentiality. But some documents masks were not - apparently because of oversight. - I did of course also immediately. I called to her counsel and told him what had happened, explains alderman. - It has been the understanding. It's something that absolutely never happen. SWEDISH ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
Unidentified African 'asylum seeker' is housed in 'asylum seeker accommodation' by the Swedish Migration Agency.
This unidentified African alien is then effectively discharged among the domestic Swedish population, as this accommodation is not, in fact, secure accommodation that one would expect such aliens to be housed in, for the purposes of protection of the general public, identification, risk assessment, other assessment, disease control, and so on.
The identity of this alien is unknown, as he represented himself as being from Mali but is, according to the authorities, more likely to be from Gambia.
While the Swedish authorities are incapable of positively identifying the alien in question (and, undoubtedly, many others such as this case), they are also incapable of deporting him, according to my understanding of the situation.
Positively identifying such alien immigrants is next to impossible, due to arrival without identification or prior destruction of identification by same.
Therefore, unidentifiable and unauthorised alien immigrants are next to impossible to deport.
The result is that these aliens are then kept at taxpayer expense -- whether that be in so-called 'asylum accommodation', immigrant detention centres (which is not the case in Sweden at present), or in prison for crimes committed upon arrival (which appears all too common).
This unidentified and unauthorised African alien, culturally and otherwise 'enriching' Swedish society, gained an assault conviction to his 'credit' prior to committing rape.
But that did not make a difference to the Swedish authorities, who still did not segregate the convicted unauthorised alien for the protection and well-being of the Swedish population.
Nor was he segregated from the Swedish population when he was denied asylum.
Despite the fact that those denied asylum also pose a clear and demonstrable risk to the Swedish domestic population, as there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by committing crime: either to discharge hostilities upon Swedish society as revenge for rejection from Swedish society, and/or to ensure continued housing and material provision of needs by Swedish taxpayers.
So that is three (3) occasions on which this unauthorised alien could and should have been placed in secure accommodation but was not: 1) upon arrival. 2) upon having committed a crime (assault). 3 upon having been refused asylum.
As a result of what is undoubtedly Swedish government and authorities' negligence (in terms of practical and moral responsibility to the domestic Swedish public), an extremely vulnerable Swedish member of the public was raped by an unauthorised, unidentified, convicted criminal, African alien that was permitted to roam among the unsuspecting and vulnerable domestic population.
The IKEA murders were committed by unauthorised aliens who were denied asylum -- and the victims were targeted because they were Swedish: native Swedish mother and son, butchered by Africans in Sweden in broad daylight.
Variations of above nightmare scenario are constantly replayed, in some form or other, in Sweden and throughout Europe.
So what are the solutions?
One would think that a sensible government would:
1. Create undesirable conditions, so as to repel rather than to attract and invite border incursions and alien invasions.
2. Institute border closure and strict border controls, preferably controlled by armed military personnel authorised to use all necessary force to repel invasion.
3. Establish secure lock-up facilities to house (a) unauthorised aliens and (b) aliens earmarked for deportation.
4. Establish fast-track removal of unauthorised aliens and, if this is not viable given identification issues and other technicalities, to establish comprehensive policies for (a) the strict prevention of alien entry of any description and (b) exceedingly unpleasant detention for those that breach the barriers.
5. Make arrangements for deportation of all such unauthorised aliens to a willing (& most likely impoverished) country that would accept and assume all responsibility for such alien transfers, in exchange for monetary compensation, goods, arms or whatever they wish, on the basis that out is better (and less costly in every imaginable way) than in.
6. Collectively take measures to prevent any landings of unauthorised aliens on European soil.
After securing national boundaries and doing all that can be done to protect domestic populations and to discourage national incursions, the main objective must be to collectively divert prospective alien arrivals from European waters and thus from European shores. That is absolutely key.
Of course, this will not happen.
Aside from ridiculous national integrity destroying international conventions that must be scrapped forthwith (but won't be), the politicians that run these Western European countries are indifferent to the plight of the domestic populations, indifferent to the enormous costs to the public (financial and social) and indifferent to the destruction of their own societies and demise of their own people.
One can only assume that these politicians and technocrats have other plans, and we can see that whatever those plans entail, it involves actively enabling the slow genocide of their own people.
Note also - this costs the taxpayer every which way: 1. Sorting, accommodating, identifying, testing, medical, food etc & welfare payments upon arrival. 2. Further accommodation & provision upon rejection of asylum. 3. Victims of crime costs, administrative legal, social welfare, law enforcement authorities and agencies costs (manpower & other). 4. Medical, psychological and compensation costs to victims of crime. 5. Ongoing costs of incarceration etc. 6. Extensive costs of deportation. 7. Ongoing costs of accommodation & provision for rejected unauthorised aliens, that cannot be deported due to technical issues that cannot be resolved for years, if ever. 8. For those difficult to dislodge, a lifetime of accommodation, unemployment benefits, law suits re deportation etc costs, reproduction related costs, family reunion costs, 'integration' costs, supervision costs, medical costs, educational costs .... etc etc etc ...
And this is just what I could quickly come up with off the top of my head.
Stop to think about how extensive these costs really are per person, when each person is allotted up to an extra eight (8) additional 'reunion' family members that the taxpayer can expect to also support (in Germany, away), along with provision of all of the above for issue (ie children) from multiple, generally stay-at-home wives, and all the generations that ensue in segregation and absence of assimilation thereafter.
So the average European taxpayer is funding what amounts to multi-generational progressive destruction of their own societies and people (and getting indebted for generations to come for this 'privilege') .
Yippeeeee! What's not to like, right?
---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ᛞ
By Sara Malm for MailOnline
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Sweden, Skellefteå, Västerbotten County - Down Syndrome Victim - Raped in Cafe by 20-Year-Old, Assault-Convicted, African Who Was Denied Asylum
Asylum Rejection,
Govt Negligence,
Guna Graufelds,
Swedish Migration Agency,
Victim Vulnerable
Sweden - Tingsryd, Kronoberg County - Asylum Seeker Rape of 3 Year Old & Cover Up by Swedish Authorities
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3,037 inhabitants in 2010
Tingsryd Municipality, Kronoberg County
3-Year-Old RAPED
SOURCE https://www.nordfront.se/asylsokare-valdtog-3-arigt-barn-migrationsverket-skyddade-honom.smr SHOCK DATA: 40-year-old raped 3 year old - asylum accommodation darkened TINGSRYD. Yesterday arrested a 40 year-old asylum seeker suspected of raping a 3-year-old child - Finnish Immigration and Asylum meet the staff had then tried to hide the incident to the police. Asylum accommodation is situated in Tingsryd. Do you know more? Contact North Front. SOURCE---------------------------------------- Detective Robert Loeffel, Kronoberg police ---------------------------------------- COMMENT Not sure what the 'Finnish immigration' reference in this Google-translated article is about. This is a Swedish incident, as I understand.
Rapes at asylum centres are not exceptional and they occur world-wide.
So what does that tell you about nature and the inclinations of the incoming hordes?
To the average liberal left rent-a-protester, it says: release depravity and mayhem upon the general public.
To anyone with an ounce of common sense and any freethinker who hasn't surrendered to what amounts to decades of Marxist-based (or is that Trotsky-based?) egalitarian and universalist ideological brainwashing, it says quite the opposite.
The government cover-up in Sweden is disgusting, particularly when the Swedish Immigration Agency is headed by, Anders Danielsson, the former head of Sapo (Swedish security police).
People need to know what they're being exposed to by their governments.
---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ᛞ
Norway - 3 Africans Gang Rape & Abduct 14 Year Old Norwegian Girl
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GANG RAPE - 14y.o.
SOURCE Mohamed Abdirisak Mohamed convicted of gang assault against Norwegian lass The 14 year old Norwegian girl was subjected to repeated atrocities by three African men on a commuter train and in an apartment in Oslo. Two of the other men, Bile Mohamed Elmi and Abdirizak Nur Ali, was sentenced in late August. Now is also the third man convicted of abuses. 21-year-old Mohamed Abdirisak Mohamed (21) were in the Oslo District Court sentenced to prison for one year and five months. SOURCE ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
What can one say?
The same atrocities upon European girls and women, committed all over Europe by non-European invaders, and enabled by the same government dereliction of duty.
Receiving compensation from a rapist is absolutely incomprehensible to me. Monetary compensation from the rapist scum is further insult to the injury.
The only compensation applicable:
--------------- Note:
With names such as 'Mohamed', I'd say its safe to guess that the convicted are Muslim.
---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ᛞ
British Government Negligence: Immigration & Gang Rape
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SOURCE Teen girl raped by 5 Syrian migrants A TEENAGE girl has claimed she was gang raped at a care home by five young Syrian migrants. SOURCE ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
The above is a common story, all over Europe.
Everybody knows. Politicians know. Government knows. Journalists know.
Middle Eastern, Asian, and African immigrants arrive and rape the locals (commonly local girls or women), pretty much on arrival. Rape on arrival.
Gang rape is common. Rape in asylum centres is also common. Rape of children also occurs.
Sexual assault of staff in various facilities (eg cleaners at migrant centres or female staff in hospitals) also occurs.
These people have discarded their identification, so the only basis upon which to identify them is on a best guess basis.
Media reports have indicated that very few Syrian refugees are making their way across to Europe and that an 80% bulk of the European immigration invasion is of Middle Eastern, Asian and African origin.
For some reason, there's also an 'under age' represented stream of non-European invaders infiltrating various countries, particularly Sweden.
All of these people belong in segregation away from the domestic populations, for protection of the domestic populations and for identification, overall control (including deportation), and disease control purposes.
But these unidentified invaders continue to pose a risk to the domestic populations in virtually all of European countries, as they are not segregated from vulnerable local populations.
Where are the feminists and why aren't they screaming about the rape of local women by third world invaders (and, more to the point, the insane policies of European politicians permitting this to happen & even facilitating it ... again, and again, and again, with no end in sight), the way they would be screaming if some elderly white academic had uttered something considered 'oppressive' and politically incorrect?
If the state is not protecting its citizens, the state is illegitimate and should be brought down and replaced with state authorities that actually do protect borders and protect the (disarmed) public, that is otherwise without any protections.
But good luck bringing down the state without arms.
So what we have here is an indifferent, corrupt, and ineffectual state that has put its own citizens at risk; citizens that are without arms and without protections, including state protections; a state that has breached its duty of care and abandoned its mandate.
However, there's nothing but more of this chaos, rape, murder and mayhem on the horizon for decades to come, because getting what passes itself off as the 'democratic' state to change its insane policies to policies in the interests of its ethnic and cultural core population (ie those whose interests government should be representing and prioritising at all times and without exception), is a matter of decades of agitation, organisation, networking, protest, and exercise of other concerted political pressure brought to bear ... which is unlikely to come about, because those with the ability to organise, protest, apply pressure and make change (the intelligentsia: academics, writers, journalists, press, other media, teachers, activists, students etc) are aligned with the corrupt state that is visiting this destruction and brutality upon the European peoples. Ordinary people are without a voice and without the means to counter what is, in effect, rape of a nation and of a people -- across Europe and across European-established nations.
Rape by government corruption, government violation of duty of care and abandonment of responsibility, and rape by liberal, corporate, mainstream media propaganda, cultural Marxism, political correctness, domination of academia, of media, of activism, and of unionism, along with decades of media brainwashing, censorship, and political suppression of dissent.
With decades of non-European immigrant invasion ahead, expect Europeans to be decimated by more of the same demographics shift (and thus political shift), rape, gang rape, migrant brutality and various migrant crime sprees, while what passes as 'democracy' today in broken Britain, and in Western Europe and European-established nations worldwide, turns to totalitarianism of the militarised police state (if not the sharia caliphate), in due course.
Those at the very top of society will remain unaffected and buffered by wealth and privilege. By the time the middle classes and intelligentsia are detrimentally affected and have a change of mind and ideology, it will already be too late. Other Norway - 3 Africans Gang Rape & Abduct 14 Year Old Norwegian Girl ---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ᛞ
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