---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3440601/Algerian-sex-attacker-shouted-Inshallah-Allah-wills-raped-25-year-old-German-student-asked-enjoyed-it.html 'Algerian sex attacker shouted "Inshallah" - if Allah wills it - as he raped a 25-year-old German student - then asked her if she had enjoyed it' Published: 09:30 EST, 10 February 2016 | Updated: 10:12 EST, 10 February 2016
An Algerian man who almost killed his 25-year-old student victim shouted out 'if Allah wills it' in Arabic as he raped her in a darkened alley, a court has heard.
The man, identified only by his first name Rheda, is accused of following the student as she walked home from a nightclub at 5am in Hannover, Germany. Afterwards, with his victim badly beaten, he is alleged to have climbed off her and asked her if she enjoyed it. The shocking details were revealed at the trial of the 37-year-old asylum seeker from Algeria who has denied rape. Prosecutors say DNA evidence links him to the crime. The young woman, identified only by her first name Lara, said it was the worst moment of her life when she was attacked. She said: 'He asked me in broken German if I had [the] time. Before I could reply he then grabbed me by the arm and pulled me down an alleyway. 'He told me "I need sex". I opened my mouth to scream but he put his hand over my mouth. I had a pepper spray, and I tried to spray it at him but he grabbed it off me, and used it on me instead. 'Then he threw me onto the ground, and tried to pull off my trousers but he couldn't do it. Then he started screaming at me to get undressed.' She told the court she had tried to win time by begging him to leave her alone and hoped that someone would come past. Nobody did, and when she tried to scream again he started beating her in the face and he sprayed the pepper spray on her face again. He had banged her head on the ground repeatedly until she was almost unconscious, and she thought she was going to die. She said: 'He put his hand over my mouth and closed my nose, and I thought I was going to suffocate. I then indicated to him that I had given in, and would do what he wanted if he let me breathe.' He then raped her and she said that throughout he was talking to himself, shouting 'Inshallah' - which is Arabic for 'if Allah wills it'. She said: 'Afterwards he asked me if it was good, and if I had enjoyed it.' Her voice then broke as she added: 'I never would have thought something like that could happen to me. I just couldn't comprehend it. I thought I was going to die.' She identified her alleged attacker in court. He denies rape. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3440601/Algerian-sex-attacker-shouted-Inshallah-Allah-wills-raped-25-year-old-German-student-asked-enjoyed-it.html ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
The problem with weapons and self-defence tactics for women in these situations is that women are often no match for their attackers. Yes, sometimes they get lucky and manage to fend off an attacker, but I think that might be the exception rather than the norm.
I'm going to guess that girls and women will be forced to radically change their lifestyles in Europe (and in any other high risk of rape/assault regions), in an effort to avoid rape, robbery or assault.
After reading all these articles on European rapes and assaults, I'm freaked out enough to feel sick in my stomach thinking about the dangers unwitting and helpless women (and children) have been exposed to by their own governments.
Far removed, familiar, and once 'safe'-seeming surroundings don't feel all that safe anymore ... even in broad daylight.
Not sure that I'd be game to take the long (daylight) walks I used to take in parks, reserves, and on secluded walk-tracks etc. I'd definitely be too chicken to take the occasional night-time walk around the block these days.
Although I've never been a fan of public transport or of public spaces, those spaces are so much less appealing now.
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Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Germany, Hannover - Female Student (25) - Rape & Violent Assault - Algerian Suspect
England, Crewe - Slovakian Roma Gypsy Attack - William Stanier School
---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- http://whitegenocideproject.com/gypsies-threaten-to-rape-english-schoolgirls-they-demand-to-be-bowed-down-to/ "They reported it on the mirror. If someone ever read it, then you’ll notice that they are hiding the racial origin of these attacks, in fact they only mention “roma” just one time, when mentioning the racial makeup of the school’s area (mostly gypsies slavic), and instead refer “slovakians” to the roma (gypsies) pupils who attacked the english ones." Slovakian Gypsies threaten to rape English schoolgirls, they demand to be bowed down to by Steve Goode • February 13, 2016 • 13 Comments
English men have been patrolling the streets of Crewe, a town in Northern England, after “Roma” (Gypsy) immigrant children from Slovakia started a wave of attacks and threats.
Trouble started brewing at William Stanier school in the beginning of February. Catherine Hollinshead, a parent, recalled that “girls were being dragged around by their hair, two girls had hair ripped out. Other children were thrown down three flights of stairs, one of whom suffered a broken arm. A teacher was head-butted.” “The Slovakian [Roma / Gypsy] boys threatened to rape the girls. Threats were put on the girls toilet wall saying ‘English will die’.” Police were called to intervene in a lunchtime fight between pupils, but both the police and the school headmaster (principal), Jason Fraser, have tried to downplay the violence. A petition claims that “The Headmaster, Mr Fraser and various other authorities have tried to hide the truth of what actually happened.” Darren Powell, who has daughters at the school, said that the Gypsy pupils were “standing on tables and giving orders for English children to bow down as they run the school and that English girls will be raped by them…” He said that this provoked English children, and fighting broke out. “One girl was assaulted so badly she looked like she had been scalped others thrown down stairs beaten up while hundreds panicked and were running for safety.” “Slovakian [Roma / Gypsy] children had weapons that would cause severe injury while teachers locked themselves with some students in classrooms while one teacher was head butted another pregnant teacher feared for her and unborn.” “I kept my daughters off as they were scared to return as they were threatened with assault and rape.” Sonia Ralphs, the mother of a student said: “It is not fair to put my son or other kids in danger and lying about it. I’m not happy at all as the Slovak [Roma / Gypsy] kids parents’ were climbing over and our kids were outside it’s disgusting and they were saying you English kids bow down to us.”
http://whitegenocideproject.com/gypsies-threaten-to-rape-english-schoolgirls-they-demand-to-be-bowed-down-to/ Other http://www.fahrenheit211.net/2016/02/12/i-told-you-this-would-happen-crewe-edition/ ---------------------------------------- COMMENT NOTE:
1. the media cover-up by The Mirror and attribution of attack to European nationals (Slovakians) rather than the non-European minority responsible.
2. alleged downplaying of attack by educational authorities.
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Australia - Mark Steyn - S.18c Racial Discrimination Act - Freedom of Speech - Border Control - 'Diversity' & Civilisational Death Wish
---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- http://www.lukeford.net/blog/?p=87858 Europe’s open doors are a civilisation death wish Posted on February 14, 2016 by Luke Ford
The Australian: Australians should feel unashamed about our immigration policies and instead fight the growth of identity politics and the undermining of free speech.
That’s the message of provocative Canadian commentator Mark Steyn, who tomorrow begins an Australian speaking tour sponsored by the Institute of Public Affairs. Free speech is at the heart of Steyn’s message. He is surprised that the controversial section 18c of our Racial Discrimination Act is still standing when his own country successfully repealed the equivalent parts of its Human Rights Act in 2013. “Free peoples are losing the habit of free speech,” he says. “They’re taught, not really just at university but in fact from kindergarten, that there is a correct view of certain subjects and that incorrect views are distressing. The last two generations raised in the Western world, they don’t do that thing, the apocryphal Voltaire line, ‘I disagree with what you say but I’ll fight to the death for you to.’ They’ll fight to the death for you not to be allowed to say it.” The consequences can be disturbing. “People can actually lose the spirit of liberty and once you’ve lost that there are not a lot of easy paths back,” he cautions. Steyn says the initial reluctance of politicians and much of the media to acknowledge, let alone discuss frankly, events in Cologne on New Year’s Eve or the growing problem of sexual assault in Sweden did nothing to preserve social cohesion but instead widened a democratic deficit between governments and the governed over the tide of asylum-seekers sweeping across Europe. “Free speech is like being a little bit pregnant,” he says. “You can’t be a little bit free speech.” He talks of meeting people fleeing the Balkans as a journalist covering the wars that accompanied the disintegration of Yugoslavia. “In Europe the whole migrant thing is basically open mockery of the whole idea of refugees,” he says. Steyn says EU leaders need to speak frankly about the forces now pulling people to the continent and how they are different. He points to Africa. “People now have cell phones,” Steyn says. They can see what’s going on in the world. Even as recently as the 1980s their glimpse of life in the West came from re-runs of Dallas. “It’s a different world now. They can see in real time their cousin who got on a boat from Libya and wound up in Italy and walked over to Sweden. They’re seeing in real time the kind of life their cousin is living. What percentage of North Africa has to decide ‘We’d quite like to move to Europe’ for there to be no Europe?” As a result, Steyn sees nothing wrong with Australia’s asylum-seeker policies. “Australia does what every country used to do until the 1960s. It reserves the right to pick and choose who it admits to within its borders.” He adds: “In effect, everyone in Australia is Donald Trump.” But Steyn points to the different recent experiences of asylum-seeker flows of Europe and Australia. “Europe is basically as near to Africa as Australia is to Indonesia,” he says, describing the EU’s approach as “the equivalent of Australia telling everyone in Indonesia, ‘See you in Darwin on Tuesday’.” Steyn is blunt on the potential consequences of the uncontrolled flows of people. “If you lose control of your border you don’t have a country,” he says. In this environment, he is particularly concerned about the impact of identity politics and diversity policies that play on differences. He points to his experiences in the Balkans. “Once people start to think of tribal identities, you end up with tribal politics,” he warns. “It doesn’t matter if the tribe is Bosnians or Croats or whether its transgender and lesbians versus straight white males.” Steyn jokes about “the Stanley Gibbons stamp collection approach to diversity” but says it is a trap that can cause divisions in wealthy, comfortable and largely homogenous societies, be they in Europe or our own. “I raise my kids in New Hampshire which is 99.99999 per cent white,” he says. “I think there’s rumoured to be three black guys somewhere in the southern part of the state and two Hispanics. That’s it for New Hampshire. “It gets kind of boring and people think wouldn’t it be nice to have bit of this and a bit of that. We live here and we’ve got all these people called Smith and Jones and all the rest of it. It would be much more interesting if we can have a bit more diversity. So look. There’s that nice gay couple who have moved into No 28 Victoria Gardens. And — ooh, aren’t we lucky now? There’s a nice fire-breathing imam who has moved into No 30. “They can all meet. The fire-breathing imam can make conversation with the nice gay couple over the garden fence as they do on a Sunday afternoon.” Then the joking ends. “The situation they’re now realising in Europe is that when you’re so boundlessly tolerant that you tolerate the avowedly intolerant then you basically have turned that whole kind of Stanley Gibbons diversity thing into a civilisational death wish,” Steyn says. He warns against embracing the self-loathing that comes with the increasingly common use of concepts such as privilege and entitlement to delineate societal goodies and baddies — witting or not. “The minute you start using these things like privilege, what you’re doing is incentivising the most reductive kind of identity group politics,” Steyn says. Here, he specifically references 18c and “what groups you can claim to be a member of” so before the law “what matters is not that you are a citizen like any other” but which “groups you have a purchase on”. http://www.lukeford.net/blog/?p=87858 ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
Australia’s off-shore detention asylum-seeker policies might be disapproved of by the suicidal liberal-left, by the corporate press, by the universal 'human rights' industry and its intelligentsia, but the fact is that Australia's borders are as open to non-European mass immigration as those of all other post-colonial Western nations, irrespective of consequences to the common man, who is without the buffer of wealth and privilege, or even the comforts of middle class advantage (eg expensive suburbs, private schools, private transport etc) that lends to being removed from from effects of 'multiculturalism.' And it's the situation of the common man that is most impacted. Material and other supports in the community (health, education & other facilities, welfare benefits, assisted housing, mental health services, old aged care services etc), as resources are diverted to immigrants. As in, there is competition for scarce public resources for those that MOST NEED those resources in Western communities.
Over 25% of Australia's 24-million population is foreign born. That figure's staggering and, in terms of security, quite frightening.
The 'buffer' option works well for the wealthy, even as society eventually implodes, as the wealthy can always live behind walled estates and in suburbs that are protected by armed guard. It's the poor that will be stuck in crime-ridden slums of the future. ---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ![]() |
Germany, Hamburg - Lohmühle, Hamburg-Eißendorf: 24-year-old father attacked & stabbed / 3-mth-old baby daughter in sling subsequently dies - immersion in pond
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Died baby after two weeks: Drama on a frozen pond Tuesday, 02/09/2016 - 13:53 For two weeks, doctors in Hamburg fought for the life of a three month old girl, but on Monday night the baby died in hospital. It had broken with his father on a frozen pond. The 24-year old father was on January 25, from the pond Lohmühle in Hamburg-Eißendorf been rescued. He wore his little daughter in a sling. When police he stated that he had been attacked by two men and wounded with a knife. he had fallen through the ice on the run. The baby was probably several minutes under water and could be revived by rescuers first. It suffered thereby a strong supercooling and floated the next two weeks in critical condition. Exactly how it came to the accident, is still not fully elucidated. The 24-year-old had, according to police testified to have lost his glasses in the raid. That's why he did in the dark can not see exactly where he was going. The search for the two robbers apparently without success. The two attackers are than about 30 years old, described with dark hair. You should have spoken a foreign language. lba / dpa ---------------------------------------- COMMENT This must be a horrific loss for the new mother. ---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ![]() |
Russia, Murmansk - 51 Groping Refugees Taught A Lesson
---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- http://dailycaller.com/2016/02/04/refugees-go-clubbing-in-russia-harass-girls-wake-up-in-hospital-the-next-morning/ Refugees Go Clubbing In Russia, Harass Girls, Wake Up In Hospital The Next Morning Jacob Bojesson | Reporter 4:52 PM 02/04/2016
A group of 51 refugees were brutally assaulted outside a night club in Murmansk, Russia, after they groped and molested women at a night club Saturday.
The refugees had previously been ordered to leave Norway for “bad behavior” and tried their luck in Russia. What they didn’t realize when they went out clubbing in Murmansk is that Russians have less tolerance when it comes to sexual assault on local women than other European countries. The refugees allegedly groped and harassed women in a similar manner as the assaults in Cologne on New Year’s Eve. A group of male Russian took them aside to “educate” them that “Cologne is 2,500 kilometers south of here.”
The refugees tried to flee but were quickly captured by the Russians. They then took them out to the street and gave them a beating they will remember. Police arrived to break up the fight but locals report that they threw a few punches at the refugees before arresting 33 of them. Eighteen refugees were in such bad condition they had to be take to the hospital.
Police decided to let the beatings slide and didn’t file a report. The only thing they could confirm was that there was “a mass brawl involving refugees.” http://dailycaller.com/2016/02/04/refugees-go-clubbing-in-russia-harass-girls-wake-up-in-hospital-the-next-morning/ ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
It must be nice living in Russia.
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Academia - Religion - Politics: Wheaton College, Illinois, USA - Associate Professor of Political Science, Larycia Hawkins
---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- Wheaton College and Professor to ‘Part Ways’ After Her Remarks on Muslims By CHRISTINE HAUSERFEB. 8, 2016
A college professor in Illinois who had been at risk of being fired for her remarks on Islam and Christianity has agreed to “part ways” with the institution.
Wheaton College, an evangelical Christian institution, and Larycia Hawkins, an associate professor of political science, said in a joint statement that “they have come together and found a mutual place of resolution and reconciliation.” It continued, ”The college and Dr. Hawkins have reached a confidential agreement under which they will part ways.” The statement released on Saturday gave no further details. But it appeared to be an attempt to close a controversial chapter that involved concerns about academic freedom and that saw the college defending itself against accusations that its actions were anti-Muslim. The events started in December, when Dr. Hawkins, a tenured professor who began teaching there in 2007, posted comments about Islam and Christianity. Muslim communities at the time were the focus of a backlash after terrorist attacks in Paris. “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book,” she wrote on Facebook, in part, on Dec. 10. “And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God.” Dr. Hawkins also donned a hijab to show solidarity with Muslims. Less than a week later, Wheaton put Dr. Hawkins on administrative leave with pay over “significant questions regarding the theological implications” of her remarks, saying they seemed inconsistent with the college’s doctrine. The college’s actions set off widespread debate on social media, and hundreds of alumni said in a petition they would reconsider donating to the college. [CONTINUES] http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/09/us/larycia-hawkins-wheaton-college.html ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
Found this article interesting from a sociological / political perspective.
Not really sure what to make of it overall.
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AUSTRIA, Vienna - Murder - Lauren Mann (25) - Abdou I. (24) Gambian, West Africa - Alleged Prior Rape Underaged Female Victim (Germany)
---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- TWO VICTIMS 1. Germany - rape (victim - minor female) 2. Austria - murder-rape (victim - adult female, American) EXTRACT -- FULL AT SOURCE http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3433995/Illegal-immigrant-arrested-murder-American-nanny-Austria-took-stop-deported-revealed-raped-underage-girl.html Illegal immigrant is arrested over murder of American nanny in Austria after she took him in to stop him being deported - and is revealed to have raped underage girl By Flemming Emil Hansen In Vienna, Austria, For Dailymail.com Published: 18:47 GMT, 5 February 2016 | Updated: 22:13 GMT, 5 February 2016
An illegal immigrant has been arrested over the murder of an American nanny who had given him shelter at her Vienna apartment.
The 24-year-old Gambian had been wanted by police since the death of Lauren Mann, 25, from Grand Junction, Colorado last month. He was arrested on Thursday in Bern, Switzerland, at an asylum center there after his mobile phone use was traced. The location of the arrest suggests he was trying to use the immigration system to avoid being returned to his home country. He was named by prosecutors in Austria only as Abdou I., under a legal convention that the surnames of alleged criminals are not released until they are convicted. No mugshot was released by authorities in either country. Austrian newspaper Krone also reported that he was already known to police, having raped an underage girl in Germany. The case is likely to highlight concerns which are growing in Europe over sex-crime related to the wave of immigrants arriving in the continent - although Abdou I. is from West Africa rather than the Middle East, from where the vast majority are currently arriving. Austrian authorities will now have to request his extradition from neighboring Switzerland. Nina Bussek, spokeswoman for the Austrian State Prosecutor, told Daily Mail Online: 'A suspect has been arrested in Switzerland. We can't provide any further details at the moment. Local reports in Austria suggested that the Gambian had failed in his attempt to stay in the country but had been taken in out of compassion by Mann to avoid him being deported. EXTRACT -- FULL AT SOURCE http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3433995/Illegal-immigrant-arrested-murder-American-nanny-Austria-took-stop-deported-revealed-raped-underage-girl.html ---------------------------------------- COMMENT Note:
---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ![]() |
Austria, Vienna: 10 Year Old Male Raped - Alleged Perpetrator: Iraqi Refugee
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Google Translation
Child raped in Vienna - Iraqis confessing
What the "crown" reported in December , Has now been officially announced by the police: A ten year old boy is on December 2 last year in an indoor pool in Vienna- Meidling raped. He wore such massive injuries that he had to be treated in the Children's Hospital of the General Hospital. The alleged perpetrator, a refugee from Iraq, could still be arrested at the scene and confesses. In his police interrogation put the man on 13 September on the Balkans Route had come to Austria, according to a fact Poizeibericht confession. He talked about "sexual emergency". He was "pursued desires. I had not had sex in four months" his, kept the criminalists the details of the suspect firmly literally. "I made a huge mistake" Recently he had wrong in Iraq with a woman, but not "always sick" was with his wife that since the birth of their daughter. In Austria, he "could not stand to have sex because I have a pronounced excess sexual energy" is to remove the interrogation log on. When asked the officials whether it was not banned in Iraq to have sex with ten year old boy, said the refugee: "Such a thing is forbidden in any country of the world." He knew that he was "a huge mistake" and "leave a huge scar at the boys" have. Police did not initially publish case The office is investigating the 20- Years of rape and serious sexual abuse of minors, authorities spokeswoman Nina Bussek confirmed Friday. It is located in U- Detention. The police were the case we have not officially gone "from victim protection reasons" to the public, such as Thomas Keiblinger, spokesman for the State Police said. For sexual offenses will consider whether the circumstances of the case justify a publicizing. That you wanted to conceal the fact, in order not to heat up the mood of the population because of suspicious refugee was only a few weeks in the country, had "played a role in no case," assured Keiblinger. We've only recently reported on an asylum , The Prater is a 18- Old had raped. Year-olds in WC raped cabin The year-olds had the Theresienbad far from the Meidlinger Hauptstraße visited where it just to run around in the swimming pool a 15- year-old boy met. In whose was accompanied by the 20- year Iraqi who - the particulars of the person concerned - the Ten Years' finally grabbed the hand, in a toilet Cabin urged, locked the door, the boy pulled down the trunks and went to him. The boy cried out in pain, but was heard by anyone. After he had satisfied himself, leaving the 20- Perennial the toilet and amused himself with jumps from three meters board. The ten year old, who had suffered serious injuries in the anal region, eventually confided in tears to the lifeguard, who immediately informed the police. For the 20- Year-old who had been working in Iraq as a taxi driver and lived in Austria from the basic public services, yet clicked in swimwear handcuffs. ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
Translation is a little awkward.
Ten year old raped, allegedly by Iraqi asylum seeker perp who arrived via the Balkans route to Austria.
I'd say a 20 year old is being investigated (rather than 20 years investigated).
Police covered up information of this assault by an asylum seeker.
Not sure if a separate incident is being discussed later in the article, or if it's the one incident (and an exceedingly bad translation).
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Sweden - Knife Killing of 7 Year Old Female Victim - Eritrean Asylum Seeker
---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- Sweden: Welfare migrant cuts throat of host family’s 7-year-old daughter January 6, 2016 , by Nicolai Sennels
“A seven year old girl was stabbed to death in an apartment in Upplands-Bro in northern Stockholm on 25 July this year by a 36 year old man, Daniel Gebru. Ten months earlier Gebru arrived as a welfare of migrant from Eritrea to Sweden. …
Gebru has not been able to give any concrete reasons for why he cut the throat of the seven-year girl in the bathroom of her home. He had previously been living in the apartment. What he did there on that day is unclear because according to some data he was not living there anymore. As the Court notes, however, he did live in the apartment when the murder was committed but Gebru had failed to pay rent. Gebru has stated that he had intended to take his own life but for unknown reasons instead stabbed the girl to death.” http://10news.dk/?p=2165 ---------------------------------------- Asylum Seeker convicted of knife murder of seven year old girl
MURDER Another brutal knife murder committed by an Eritrean asylum-seekers were given a few days ago its legal resolution. A seven year old girl was stabbed to death in an apartment in Upplands-Bro in northern Stockholm on 25 July this year of a 36 year old man, Daniel Gebru, ten months earlier arrived as the welfare of migrants to Sweden from Eritrea.
Gebru sentenced to psychiatric care with a special discharge review and be expelled indefinitely after already served and care. However, it is unclear if the expulsion will be enforceable, this is because the Migration Board believes that human rights are infringed in a way in Eritrea that allows no one can be deported there. Gebru is therefore likely to remain in Sweden after already served and care. There is also no minimum retention Gebru must be nurtured. If he is deemed to have frisknat to, he can be released after a very short time. As with the brutal knife murder of IKEA in Västerås in August this year, including those committed by an Eritrean asylum seeker, has the offender as partial explanation for the crime stated mental disorder related to alleged harsh conditions in their home country and that migrants who should have led to his suffering by hallucinations and paranoia. Gebru has not been able to give any other more concrete reasons for why he cut the throat of the seven-year girl in the bathroom of her home. He had previously been inherent in the apartment. What he did there on that particular day is unclear because according to some data did not live there anymore. The Court notes, however, he must have lived in the apartment where the murder was committed but have failed to pay the rent. Gebru has stated that he had intended to take his own life but for unknown reasons instead stabbed the girl to death. He incurred but also themselves afterwards a cutting injury. The retrospective self-inflicted injury could of course have been a way to hide the real motive for the crime against the girl, but the court chose to go on the defense line in this part, that the murder was committed in a state of mental confusion and no real motive to the girl or order to conceal another crime against the girl. Gebru sentenced accordingly - and because he exposed the girl of "unnecessary suffering" in connection with the murder - not formally of murder, but of manslaughter and not to prison but to care. However, you can not court so far as to completely absolve Gebru from liability for the actions, as claimed by the defense lawyers. The girl's parents are happy with the man convicted but dissatisfied with the crime of murder was not. Gebru must also pay compensation to the parents of 182 860 SEK and a further 61 705 paid to the estate. The case provides a further alarm signal of irresponsibility with which asylum applications are dealt with in Sweden, how mentally unstable people are allowed to reside freely in society and what consequences this may have. Missing ID checks, sloppy research background of asylum seekers in their home country and naive faith in the asylum seekers' own oral evidence allows no one knows what kind of people are released into our country. It can be anything from people with actual refugee status through the economic welfare of migrants to serious criminals and terrorists. Nor does this case - as one of the responsible politicians and other opinion leaders should be able to expect - led the public debate on security in society severely eroded due to serious deficiencies in the asylum reception. Few have the courage enough to step outside the politically correct view corridor and ask where the limits to how many in Sweden, we are ready to have murdered, abused, raped, mugged, robbed, deceived and subjected to other serious crimes without the conduct of mass immigration policy is questioned . Attunda District Court, B 6126-15 http://archive.is/6PvR3 http://avpixlat.info/2015/12/28/asylsokare-domd-for-knivmord-pa-sjuarig-flicka/ ---------------------------------------- COMMENT
The compensation custom does my head in, when it's associated with murder or rape crimes.
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Sweden - Mass Brawl - Migrant Centre
---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- One man is stabbed to death and three others are injured in latest mass brawl between gangs at Swedish migrant centre
By Sara Malm for MailOnline Published: 20:30 EST, 15 February 2016 | Updated: 22:10 EST, 15 February 2016 ---------------------------------------- COMMENT ---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ![]() |
African Perpetrator(s) - Mannheim, Germany - 55-year-old assaulted
---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- Groped & beaten 55-year-old - Mannheim http://archive.is/wwFXN German to English Google Translation: January 22, 2016 published by Hannah-Marie Beck Post Comment Information of the Police Headquarters Mannheim: "Victims of sexual assault was on Friday evening, 15 January 2016 55-year-old woman in Waldhof district. The woman was against 19:40 of the Opole road on the way home, when she was approached at the corner Jakob-Faulhaber-Strasse / Huben road from an unidentified man and forced into the street Huben. There she was forced to a house wall, groped immoral and beaten in the abdomen with his fist. original: http://www.rheinneckarblog.de/22/55-jaehrige-begrapscht-und-geschlagen-polizei-fahndet-mit-phantombild/90531.html ---------------------------------------- COMMENT ---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ![]() |
Invasion of Europe - Frank Salter - Political Ethologist
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Frank Salter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Salter Website http://socialtechnologies.com.au/ ---------------------------------------- COMMENT Video/Audio appears to cover the above article (so far). Article worthwhile reading. ---------------------------------------- Europa-Evropa ![]() |
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