---------------------------------------- ARTICLE ![]() ---------------------------------------- Various Material - Sources, as marked: VIDEO: TV-Media in Finland Teaches Women How to Protect Themselves against Being Raped ByPamela Geller on February 1, 2016 http://pamelageller.com/2016/02/video-rape-lesson.html/ ---------------------------------------- VIDEO Finland Patriot Self Protection Volunteers
Harassed by Loonie Left
Soldiers of Odin - Tampere, Finland
---------------------------------------- Tampere is a city in Pirkanmaa, southern Finland. Most populous inland city in any of the Nordic countries: population of 223,292. Finland Patriot Self Protection Volunteers
Harassed by Loonie Left
BBC Report - SELECT EXTRACTS ONLY "The Soldiers of Odin have been carrying out street patrols in towns and cities across Finland for several months. In October, one member told the Aamulehti tabloid: "We woke up to a situation where many different cultures met. It caused fear and concern in the community, so we started getting together."" "Many officials, including the prime minister and prosecutor general have spoken out against the patrols, but they have received qualified support from the nationalist Finns Party." "Clowns have taken to the streets of one Finnish city to poke fun at the emergence of unofficial citizen patrols, which are widely seen as being aimed at asylum seekers."
http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-35343392 ---------------------------------------- SUSPECT RAPE STATS
Let’s look at the statistics. There are about 16,000 Somalis living in Finland. 52 per cent of them are under 20-years old, so from a total of over 8,000, crimes have been committed by only a few. 1,010 rapes were reported to the police in 2014, according to the Official Statistics of Finland. The number of suspected immigrants in these cases is about three times higher than of the suspected natives in relation to the population. But the truth is that about 80 per cent of the rape suspects are still native Finns. http://finlandtoday.fi/how-the-rape-in-tapanila-started-an-outrage-against-somalis-in-finland/ **** I CALL BULLSH*T ON THOSE FIGURES *** ---------------------------------------- DAILY MAIL - RAPE ACROSS EUROPE
Migrant rape fears spread across Europe: Women told not to go out at night alone after assaults carried out in Sweden, Finland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland amid warnings gangs are co-ordinating attacks Published: 03:16 EST, 9 January 2016 | Updated: 15:52 EST, 1 February 2016 Security authorities are growing increasingly concerned by the rising number of sex attacks by gangs of migrants which appear to be spreading across Europe. Finland and Sweden today became the latest European countries to issue warnings to women to be wary of the threat of sex attacks following fresh reports of sexual assaults in the last week, while the Viennese police chief advised women not to go outside alone in Vienna. The warnings come as reports emerged that Austrian and German police tried to cover-up the issue over fears of reprisal attacks on asylum seekers and damage to the countries' tourist trade. Dozens of arrests have been made today in connection with the wave of recent sex attacks across Europe. Finnish police said today that they had been tipped off about plans by groups of asylum seekers to sexually harass women following an unusually high level of sexual harassment cases in Helsinki. 'There hasn't been this kind of harassment on previous New Year's Eves or other occasions for that matter... This is a completely new phenomenon in Helsinki,' said deputy police chief Ilkka Koskimaki. In Finland, security guards hired to patrol the city on New Year's Eve told police there had been 'widespread sexual harassment' at a central square where around 20,000 people had gathered for celebrations. Three sexual assaults allegedly took place at Helsinki's central railway station on New Year's Eve, where around 1,000 mostly Iraqi asylum seekers had converged. 'Police have... received information about three cases of sexual assault, of which two have been filed as complaints,' Helsinki police said in a statement. 'The suspects were asylum seekers. The three were caught and taken into custody on the spot,' Helsinki deputy police chief Ilkka Koskimaki told AFP. Police said they had increased their preparedness 'to an exceptional level' in Helsinki for New Year's Eve after being tipped off about possible problems. ... German phrasebook found on asylum seeker sex attack suspect in Cologne included lurid phrases such as 'nice breasts' and 'I want to have sex with you' Officers found a note on one of the men containing Arabic-German translations for phrases including 'nice breasts', 'I'll kill you' and 'I want to have sex with you.' ... Hoteliers and trade fair officials said the first cancellations from holidaymakers who planned visits to the ancient city on the Rhine had started in the wake of the attacks. Germany's far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) said ordinary people are now afraid to go out. Spokesman Klaus Kraemer told MailOnline: 'German people are now frightened to go to the train station or other open spaces where they may encounter large numbers of refugees. 'They have become afraid of foreigners. They are now looking over their shoulder when they are in the train station to see who is behind them. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3390168/Migrant-rape-fears-spread-Europe-Women-told-not-night-assaults-carried-Sweden-Finland-Germany-Austria-Switzerland-amid-warnings-gangs-ordinating-attacks.html ---------------------------------------- The city of Oulu in northern Finland has been in the national news for two weeks because of three brutal sex crimes: one rape and two attempted rapes. 11 Aug, 2015 By MV Lehti For once the police informed the public of the suspects' skin colour. In two first cases the suspects are dark-skinned. The third one is still open because there are two opposing views: the victim's and the police's. A group of local men had started patrolling one area of Oulu before the rapes took place, because they had learnt that a young man of African origin had been following women in the evening, and harassing them. These citizens caught the young man, talked to him and took his picture, which they have promised to publish if the man continues to harass women. The police said that whilst they can't stop citizens' anti-crime patrols they see no need for them and want them to stop. Then the three rape cases happened. The first rape attempt took place in the early hours of Saturday 25 July. A woman cyclist was violently abused and attacked by a man who tried to undress and rape her. When other people approached, the assailant took off on a "squeaky bicycle", as it was described in the police bulletin. The police said they were looking for a man with dark skin, almost black hair and ample body hair. The second rape attempt took place at a similar time, 4:20am, on Sunday 2 August, when a young woman was walking near the city centre. She noticed that she was being followed. After a while she was pushed down from behind and three dark-skinned men tried to undress her. The young woman put up a fight, tearing clumps of hair from the assailants' heads, until two men who happened to be in the vicinity came to her rescue. She ran to safety. The third one was full rape. A 15-year-old girl was brutally raped on the evening of Tuesday 4 August by two men. And the police kept silent. A friend of the girl's family posted on Facebook that the rapists were not ethnic Finns. This she had heard from the victim herself. All hell broke loose when the police finally made a public announcement on Friday 7 August that the rapists were ethnic Finns and were under arrest. One journalist in particular went berserk: Tuomas Muraja, a journalist on Finland's biggest newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat, contacted the victim's friend and called her a racist, bigot and a criminal for making accusations against immigrants. He threatened her with a prison sentence and warned her against future accusations against immigrants. The lady replied that the raped girl still says that the rapists were not Finnish. At the moment, all media people in Finland - the majority of them are multiculturalist - are holding their breath for the truth to come out. The Finnish Council for Mass Media is investigating the conduct of this one journalist, and his employer is considering his future. The victim's friend is considering whether she should sue the journalist for defamation and threats. The communication between the journalist and the raped girl's family friend was made public by MV Lehti. And amidst all the turmoil, nobody is worried about the 15-year-old girl brutally raped by two grown men. http://libertygb.org.uk/news/three-rape-cases-finland-media-leap-defend-immigrant-suspects ---------------------------------------- FINLAND FINNISH POLICE: 47 ASYLUM SEEKERS SUSPECTED FOR SEXUAL ASSAULT, 4 000 FOREIGNERS SUSPECTED FOR ASSAULT Posted on 29/01/2016 by KGS Friday 29.1.2016 at 09.13 (updated at 10.21) Foreigners suspected of rape offenses increased last year from the previous year from 180 to 240, says the National Police Board. According to Police Director General Seppo Kolehmainen, the growth in the number of asylum seekers can hardly be seen in the crime statistics, instead, in the quantity of emergency responses, to an extent. There has been a lot of emergency responses at reception centers. Foreigners suspected of assaults rose from 3200 to 4000. An especially a lot of debate has been raised over asylum-seekers suspected of sexual offenses. Last year, 22 asylum-seekers were suspected of sexual harassment, 13 of rape and 12 of aggravated rape and two of forcing a sexual act. All foreigners suspected of rape offenses increased last year from the previous year, from 180 to 240. According to Police Inspector, Tommi Reen, when taking into account the proportion of asylum seekers in sexual offenses to all sexual offenses, it’s reasonably small. – Asylum seekers should not be made to feel guilty nor should they be labeled, Kolehmainen stressed. Attacks against reception centers were 17 , some of which firebomb attacks were carried out. There arrived in Finland last year, 33 000 asylum seekers, the year before the applicants were no more than 3,500. Among the applicants have must fighters from regions in conflict, and the police have had to investigate very demanding war crimes and terrorist offenses. -Of these very brutal acts we have received information from reception centers and the NBI will investigate these. Of course it is worth considering whether Finland is the right place to investigate these crimes. There are more than 10 of these cases, said Kolehmainen. According to Kolehmainen, the security situation is under control at the moment, but it has to be exactly followed in what direction it changes. http://tundratabloids.com/2016/01/finnish-police-47-asylum-seekers-suspected-for-sexual-assault-4-000-foreigners-suspected-for-assault/ ---------------------------------------- FINLAND JOURNALIST INVASION-PUSHING AGENDA
SOURCE - English Auto Translation http://archive.is/GFRvH#selection-1779.0-1768.26 The Board of Directors submitted to the police for investigation are asked to determine whether Helsingin Sanomat's political and economic journalist Thomas Muraja guilty of ethnic agitation in describing the Facebook writings Russians stupid, uncivilized and stupid drug addicts and violent criminals.
Muraja has profiled itself as a supplier, which is opposed to racism and online guides to make it requests for investigation. The Sanoma Group has not resigned Murajan verkkorasismista. HS Web Editor Petri Korhonen has responded to inquiries joking. Sanoma Group's net racism has caused widespread shock in social media and among Russian kouluisssa, workplaces and schools. It is, for example, asked how the Sanoma Group can work in Russia if its award-winning supplier of politics and the economy to keep the Russians are stupid, uneducated and stupid. During Muraja scandal Sanoma's share price has plunged into a downward spiral. Muraja himself on Twitter to ask for more funding "Fact Bar" -hankkeelleen.
It is widely known that the Sanoma Group and Helsingin Sanomat in particular, takes on Russia and Russians very degrading and hostile. However, the surprise is that the Helsingin Sanomat award-winning journalist Surviving Russians stupid, uncivilized and stupid message on Facebook. EXTRACT ONLY SOURCE - English Auto Translation http://archive.is/GFRvH#selection-1779.0-1768.26 ---------------------------------------- Finland exposed to Afro-Islamic asylum seeker rape of girls and women Tue, 08/12/2015 - 12:00 It's widely known that Sweden is now the rape and sexual abuse top nation in Europe. This sad title has been helped along by 77 per cent of rapes and sexual assaults over the past few years have been carried out by Afro-Islamic asylum seekers. One in four Swedish women statistically will now face rape in their lifetime. Sweden sits at number five spot for rape and sexual assaults in the world. Now the quiet and peaceful nation of Finland has started to feel the hand of Afro-Islamic rape upon its girls and women folk. This has started since Finland took in asylum seekers from North Africa and the Middle East this year. It seems to be a trend for European nations, that once growing numbers of Afro-Islamic males are allowed in - sexual crime rises upon the ethnic European women of the host country. The details of Finland's fight against Afro-Islamic rape and sexual abuse in November of this year alone can be found by clicking on the link below. It is harrowing reading. Just imagine what the young girls and women felt at the hands of the monsters who carried out the attacks http://www.bnp.org.uk/news/national/finland-exposed-afro-islamic-asylum-seeker-rape-girls-and-women COMMENT
What can you say about this insanity?
Unbelievable and tragic for the local populations.
Immense respect for those that band together to protect their communities.
Nothing but disgust for the propagandist 'journalists' that attack native populations (especially raped minors, as per above case) ... and hypocrites who attack ethnicity of fellow Europeans, while promoting Middle Eastern and African invasion of European countries.
Warning - Stomach Turning
A Dump on
Western Media Pro-Invasion-Propaganda
Sanoma Group publishes the anti-Russian 'Moscow Times', which is not Russian or sympathetic to Russians, making it some head-f*cking propaganda fraud that really ought to f*ck off out of Russia.
Russia needs to throw these filthy creeps out of their country.
Oh, wait ... law passed 2014 Russia: prevents foreign companies owning over a 20% stake in Russian media outlets from 2016, so the assh*les that previously broadcast their propaganda via Moscow Times have had to sell off -- here.
Good job, Russia.
As for attacks on native Europeans, along the lines of accusations of 'racist' levelled against those that do not accept foreign -- particularly, non-European invasion -- in their native lands or life in a country turned to a third world sh*thole, the lowlifes and morons attacking those defending their ancestral European homelands and societies ought to be imprisoned for a minimum 10 year stretch of hard labour for treason, before being exiled to some third world sh*thole.
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