1900: Europe had QUARTER of world population.
1900: Europe had 3 times population of Africa.
2050: Europe forecast: 7 per cent of world population.
2050: Europe forecast: one-third population of Africa.
Decades: Indigenous European population displacement by non-Europeans.

Europeans are endangered.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Transcript: 'The Rape of Sweden' - Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket) Cover-up & Media Suppression


[for quotations, confirm audio] 



'The Rape of Sweden'
Pat Condell
Published:  Nov 4, 2015

Pat Condell
I'm getting a lot of emails from Sweden, especially from women who say they no longer feel safe in their own country and that they're afraid to say anything about it publicly, for fear of the consequences.

That doesn't sound like the open and liberal society we all know and admire.

But then when you look at some of the news stories coming out of Sweden, it's easy to understand why they feel this way.

Most recently, a three-year-old child was raped by a third world migrant and the Swedish Migration Board show where its priorities lie, by protecting the rapist.

They moved him away for his own safety and they tried to conceal his crime from the police


Also, recently, a Swedish woman was abducted and raped for several hours by a gang of third world men posing as children.

You see, among the nearly 200,000 economic migrants and welfare parasites that Sweden is taking in this year, in defiance of all common sense and sanity, are about 30,000 so-called 'unaccompanied children', many of whom are fully-grown men.  Third world Muslim men.

And as everyone now knows, women are not safe among third world Muslim men, of which Sweden already has so many that it's now the undisputed rape capital of Europe.

Statistically one in four Swedish women will be raped in her lifetime thanks to the cultural contribution of third world Muslim men, yet the only time we ever seem to hear from Sweden's feminists is when they put on a headscarf in solidarity with the culture that threatens them, to show they're not 'racist'.


Third world Muslim men are not civilised enough to be trusted around women, and it doesn't matter how many times you shout the world 'racist', it won't make them any more civilised.

Your daughter will still have a much higher chance of being raped in the company of third world Muslim men:  it's their culture, you see.

And our politicians are wilfully importing that culture wholesale into Europe in a direct threat to safety of women, and nowhere is this more evident than Sweden, where they just can't get enough of third world Muslims, even though the country is now at saturation point, and there is literally nowhere to accommodate more.

Thousands are still pouring in every day, just so that Sweden's insane politicians can show the world how virtuous they are, at their own people's expense.

They know they'll be OK.  It won't be their neighbourhood that becomes a virtual war-zone overnight; it won't be their wife or sister who's assaulted on the street, or their daughter who's raped on her way to school.  But it will be, eventually.

It wouldn't be so easy for Sweden's politicians to destroy their country and betray its people, especially the women, if Sweden's cowardly journalists were prepared to do their job and hold them to account.

Recently, an Afghan immigrant, who had previously raped his 11-year-old cousin, raped a 14-year-old Swedish girl, and he was due to be deported after a short prison sentence, when he had the bright idea of pretending to convert to Christianity and claiming asylum for his 'religious beliefs'.


Despite showing zero knowledge of Christianity when questioned, he was given permanent residency and welfare in Sweden, along with the freedom to rape again.

The Swedish media buried this story.  If it was up to them, nobody would have ever heard about it.

Thank goodness the alternative media did their job for them, again, by getting hold of the court documents and making them public.

In another recent case, an Iraqi migrant raped a Swedish woman on an overnight train and the local newspaper, in the town where he was arrested, refused point-blank to cover the story.


You see, a Swedish journalist is not a real journalist at all, but a miserable mouthpiece of progressive correctness, who's behaviour is tantamount to collaborating with the enemy.

Like the politicians, they 'love' immigrants so much, they can't bear to live anywhere near them.

Yet, when they're not hypocritically preaching the benefits of mass third world immigration, and demonising people who oppose it, Swedish journalists go out of their way to conceal the extent of immigrant crime and the true risk to the Swedish people, especially to the women, by routinely lying about the ethnicity of criminals.

In a notorious but typical case early this year, a Swedish woman was gang raped by eight (8) African immigrants on a ferry.

The media brazenly described all of them falsely as 'Swedish', as they do, falsely, with all immigrant criminals.

They've even been known to pixelate pictures of immigrant criminals and lighten the skin tone, to make them appear to be the white Swedes and not the darker Arabs or Africans they usually are.

Their excuse is that ethnic identity is 'irrelevant', but it's relevant enough to them that they want to falsify it.

Of course, in reality, it couldn't be more relevant.

When it comes to third world Muslim rapists, ethnic identity is the most important piece of information, because third world Muslim men come from a rape culture, in case you didn't hear me the first time.


In short, a Swedish journalist is not only a liar and an imposter, but a moral leper and, above all, a traitor.

And, if you work in the Swedish news media, I'm talking about you, personally, you reprehensible, cowardly, cockroach.

Whenever you help to conceal the ethnic identity of an immigrant rapist, you help to rape another Swedish woman, by knowingly presenting a false picture of the risk.

You have vital information that could keep her safe, that you choose not to give her, because you've got something wrong with your tiny, 'progressive' mind.


One day, when it happens to your wife or your daughter, or some other loved one, as it certainly will, you'll have to face up the hard way to the terrible thing that you and your kind have done, and I would not want to be you when that day comes.  Or any other day, for that matter.

I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm going to say it anyway.

Now, obviously, there's nothing funny about rape, but if a Swedish news editor happened to be gang raped by Muslim immigrants, it would be hard not to laugh, in the way it would be hard not to laugh if everybody in the  Westboro Baptist Church got aids.

If Swedish news editor was gang raped by immigrants in one of those cosy immigrant-free neighbourhoods, it would not only be funny, it would be justice.

It would be as just as justice has ever been on this earth.

And if that's what it takes to make these criminals to grow a spine and tell the truth, then the sooner it happens, the better:  for Sweden and for Europe. 
Pat Condell 
--- end @ 6:45 ---



Responsible of the asylum center learned about the rape during the day, and in collaboration with the Swedish Migration Board had decided to move the man from the accommodation to protect him.

They had also chosen not to contact the police in order to conceal this incident.

However it was revealed when friends of the girl's mother contacted the police. Eight hours later.

But at the asylum center, the police could not get hold of the man, as he had been moved to another place, and employees at the asylum center were reluctant to tell the police of the man's new location, who he was, or any information at all.

According to a radio clip from Swedish Radio, the police had to contact a responsible in the Migration Board and force the truth from those in charge of the accommodation.
Archive:  https://archive.is/pnArM 

CENSORED / REMOVED  - radio clip
Confirmed story:
Mainstream media - withholding information
Archive Nyheter24.se withholding info

Pat Condell
writer, comedian
b. Ireland
raised London
various jobs, incl. 6 years of logging


In terms of the alleged attempted concealment of rape crime from the Sweden police by the 'Sweden Migration Board' (now Swedish Migration Agency - 'Migrationsverket'), it is noteworthy that the Director General of the Swedish Migration Agency is former Director General of Sapo, Sweden's security police.

What is taking place in Sweden is not far removed from criminal conspiracy between the Swedish politicians, Swedish authorities, the Swedish press and the Swedish intelligentsia.

All privileged intelligentsia, including Sweden's, are buffered from the harsh consequences of mass third world immigration.

The buffer of privilege will remain firmly and indefinitely in place, just as it does for all other Western journalists, media talking heads, politicians, lawyers, academics and their disciples, and other professionals, comprising the politically dominant classes, who generally do not sufferer the impacts visited upon the vulnerable and working classes.

So there is next to zero likelihood of the editors of the Swedish press being subjected to the violence the Swedish population in general is exposed to.

Condell maybe ought to have skipped that gratuitous last bit of commentary.


Europa-Evropa ᛞ