1900: Europe had QUARTER of world population.
1900: Europe had 3 times population of Africa.
2050: Europe forecast: 7 per cent of world population.
2050: Europe forecast: one-third population of Africa.
Decades: Indigenous European population displacement by non-Europeans.

Europeans are endangered.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Europe Turns to Shit, As Genocidal Government & Media Lie


Europe Turns to Shit, As Genocidal Government & Media Lie

Published:  Sept 2015

/ discuss robbing, raping & taking Europeans hostage
/ use random children as shields
/ defecated where they stood
/ 90% able-bodied healthy men 18-45 years
/ trampling food / shouting 'money'
/ grabbing at passers-by, trying to take luggage & valuables
/ aside from hatred & absolute ill-will, they have nothing to offer Europeans


What the genocidal government and lying corporate media won't tell you.
